Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Edvard Munch-like scary Tree

I was just reading the latest Blog post by Wendy at
the Halloween Tree and it was about Tree Spirits.
Check out my tree below and then read her article here.

But first, put on some music:

Last September I came across a tree whose seeds apparently
wafted up North from the great, great grandaddy Tree
of the Emerald City region of the Wizard of Oz.
Edvard Munch would give this tree a thumbs up!

After a little photoshop magic, he appears even more Munch-like!
(Added crazy spiral eyes and notice his hands around his mouth.)

1 comment:

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said... I don't remember these. They're great them! So I FINALLY found your blog again. I couldn't get to it for the longest time. But all my contact info for you is on my old computer. I am on a whole new one now. If you get a chance, send me an email to And give me all the contact info in an email so I'll know I have the right address. I want to send you something, but I'm not sure if the address I have for you is your old one or your new one. Sorry for my absence. I've a very hectic year last year...I dropped off the face of the earth. Long story. Talk soon! xo