Thursday, December 10, 2009

Owls, they're everywhere

I've been on this owl kick lately and created a new piece
of Riffy and Gio art with an Owl theme and a Snuggie.
This is Riffy's new California pad:

Everywhere I go I see Owls, especially those plastic outdoor ones.
I've been shooting a lot of photos of the wise creatures as I
come across them and once you have an awareness of them,
they seem to come out of the woodwork.

They even show up in the strangest places.
I made an animated gif, (see post below),
 and in one of the frames I was applying random
photoshop effects and I couldn't believe it
when what looks like an Owl appeared.
Is it just me, or do you see one below?

My friend Wendy has a fantastic blog called The Halloween Tree
and she and I often have synchronistic things happen in our lives.
I am not surprised that she posted about a similar thing happening
around the same time I've been having my Owl sightings.
Check out her story here: What A Hoot

I am also working on ideas for a painting of 
"The Owl and The Pussycat", (featuring Gio and Riffy)
so stay tuned for more Owly goodness.


The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Hello there....So happy that you have a spot here for me to keep in touch with you. And what a great post here. I love it when people talk of being visited by the owls. And I do see the owl in your animation...ha! Plus, I LOVE the new Gio art with the owl theme too. How have your been? The holiday season is a busy time for me as a photographer so I've not had much time to blog or follow blogs. But I wanted to be sure to get over here and find you. You look beautiful in your photo as well, but then you always do. I hope life is treating you well my friend. I have another blog where I posted some pics of my 'Gypsy Yule', and I have owls, suns and moons on my Christmas tree...go figure! Talk soon and keep on bloggin!

Sandra Riffero said...
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Sandra Riffero said...

Thank you for your kind compliment. :)

The owls have had a bit of mystery to them and their meaning (in my world, that is) and only I know why I've been using them. Now I see that they were possibly showing up as a way for me to find my way back to YOU! You are the Owl, and I am clearly the pussycat! ha ha I laughed when I went to your Gypsy Yule page and saw the Owl and the Pussycat in your logo. I love that blog and vow to do better to stay connected to you in 2010...if only we were closer so we could girl talk...ohhh the stories I could tell you from 2009...!!!

When I get to that Owl & Pussycat painting I will try to infuse the Owl with your positive energy and love! ♥ Thanks for stopping by, will chat again soon... xo

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Funny that I should stop by here today...I just love synchronicity as you well know! I haven't been blogging as much this month because I've been busy with work and life. But I did run across a 'Cat' article that was so fascinating to me that I had to post about it today.

But this morning I was awoken by the hoot of an 'Owl' outside...ha! I love to hear the owls around our house and I felt like he was calling to me to get up and get busy. So I did, and was anxious to do my post on the 'Cat' article that I just read last night. So I finished it up and went to my dashboard to see what was new when I saw "Meowsings" in my list of blogs. So I came over here to look around and found that I had missed your response to my comment on your post. And thought how appropriate that you mused on us being the 'Owl & the Pussycat'! So true, so true!

Hope all is well in your world my friend! Sending positive vibes your way! :o)

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

PS....the captcha I just got with that last post of JOYACT. Blogging, art and your friendship is most certainly a Joy Act or an act of joy! :o)

Sandra Riffero said...

How lucky you are to have had an Owl's voice wake you up! I have not had that experience...perhaps one day. :)

Hah! That is really funny that you got those two words! Very appropriate on this day that has been difficult due to a dear friend who is in the hospital. Hopefully she will recover--she is a sweet, kind loving person and a great friend to everyone. What has happened was a jolt, a reminder to tell the people we love that we love them, even though I've actually been trying to do that. Life is fragile, we can't take it for granted. Thanks for the positive vibes, I did need them today! Love you lots! xo xo :)

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Just had to add something here...just now I was summoned outside to come see something. I got out there just in time to see the gorgeous Owl who I am certain called to me this morning. He was in the trees in our back yard, and then flew into a tree in the neighbor's yard. He was HUGE! He was almost 2 feet tall and VERY plump. He was rather breathtaking actually. My family laughed at me this morning as I came out all bleary eyed saying that I heard an owl while I was asleep. They said I just dreamed it, but after they left, he kept hooting from outside somewhere. Now finally I am vindicated, as they got to see him with their own eyes.

Funny, because I hear them all the time, but only get to see them occasionally, and lately I had been trying to use the Law of Attraction to bring one to me. I really want to photograph one, but just seeing him was equally good.

Maybe he was telling me to connect with the 'Pussycat' today and let her know that she is in my thoughts. And your friend is in my prayers as well. Much love to you too! xo

Sandra Riffero said...

I just came across some Owl sound bytes, check it out: