Thursday, April 19, 2012

Woodpeckers and Lox

This morning I woke up to a Woodpecker Alarm Clock.
That's right, it was a real woodpecker hammering away.
I had been forewarned that I might hear him and today he 
showed up. If I can find where he's pecking, I'll snap a photo.

Today's breakfast was just as delightful as yesterday,
a fruit cup with pineapple and blueberries:

Plus fresh sliced lox with cream cheese, onions,
capers, caviar and some sliced hard-boiled eggs.
It was accompanied by a carafe of hearty orange juice
and the option of tea. Still no time for tea, I must fit it in...

Details on the Lox Platter:

I turned the Lox Platter into this:

Ate one, the other I wrapped up for later,
I am lucky and grateful to have found a place to
temporarily stay where someone pays such attention to detail
in presentation and overall happiness of the customer.

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